For Windows users

Trace Formulas

The feature allows you to show tracing arrows for formulas in bulk, making model logic reviews much easier.

The tracing features allow you to show precedents and dependents in a quicker way. This is achieved by applying the action to the entire cell range, as opposed to a single cell.

These features provide a visual representation of how formulas within cells are linked and work together, helping you understand the logic of complex calculations and how changes to specific cells affect the overall worksheet.

Save up to 2 hours of mundane work per day

debug formulas up to 5 times faster

Tools in this feature:

Show Precedents

With this feature, you can select a cell or a range of cells and then see arrows pointing to all the cells that are used as inputs for that cell or range.

Show Dependents

The feature displays arrows pointing from the selected cell to all the dependent cells and enables you to track and identify all cells that are affected by changes made to the selected cell or range of cells.

Clear All Arrows

The feature allows you to quickly remove all arrows to dependent or precedent cells from your current selection.

More features in this category: